Katrina Widener Coaching

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25+ Tips for Long-Lasting Self Care

We've all seen the lists of 40+ ways to take care of yourself in the moment. They're extensive, but usually only short-lived ideas like taking a bath or buying flowers. Here's my list of top long-lasting ways to take care of yourself:

  1. Build a community of friends and colleagues, and give to them as much as you'd like to get from them.

  2. Talk kindly to yourself. Literally. Out loud.

  3. Journal. Stop making up stories and write your truth down. Get those thoughts out of your head and onto paper.

  4. Ask yourself if you like who you are when you're doing something, and then stop if the answer is no (find more on this in my last post here!).

  5. Read. A lot. From all genres.

  6. Eat well and exercise. Your body will be happier, and you will be happier.

  7. And also treat yourself. One donut doesn't matter in the big picture.

  8. Be honest with yourself and others.

  9. Meditate daily.

  10. Consciously choose love over fear in every decision you make.

  11. Be open to growth. You're not perfect -- stop pretending you don't need to learn. We will all continue to grow and evolve for the rest of our lives. This is my favorite self-exploration journal!

  12. Stay as organized as possible. Get a planner, clean your kitchen, clear out things you don't need. Your brain will feel calmer.

  13. Ask for help. You don't have to do it alone.

  14. Limit your social media usage.

  15. Own up to your mistakes. And then move forward.

  16. Pick a job you love.

  17. Regularly spend time outside. Fresh air, nature, and sunshine cure everything.

  18. Donate. Give clothes to the Salvation Army, give $5 to a local charity, give what you can.

  19. Make a gratitude list every day before bed. I use this journal to log my daily gratitude.

  20. Show up. Don't hide who you truly are -- it makes life so much easier.

  21. Set boundaries. In all aspects of your life.

  22. Always work smarter, not harder.

  23. Say no more often than you say yes.

  24. Get a good night's sleep every single night.

  25. Don't follow people on social media who you compare yourself to, who are negative, who make you feel self doubt or unhappiness. It's not worth it.

  26. Trust yourself. As long as you're not making a decision based off fear, you know what's best for you.

  27. Breathe.

How have you built self care into your daily life? Share in the comments below, or join the party on Instagram and share with me there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/


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