Oh hello there, I’m Katrina
Business coach, community leader, avid reader, cat mom

And I help badass entrepreneurs reach the next level of income without all that struggle and overwhelm. Ease and joy, here we come.

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here’s my story:

Once upon a time, a friend told me I have an innate ability to make others feel good about themselves without even trying. And I realized that one compliment made me feel more recognized than anything I’d heard in my years of being a marketing specialist, social media manager, or digital journalist.

So… I quit my job. I became a life coach, helping others feel recognized and heard on a regular basis. And still every single time I was working with a client, I would find myself accidentally slipping in hard business strategy along with the mindset work.

And my clients started to see more than just huge shifts in their confidence and happiness levels, but in the bottom line of their businesses as well. (Nice bonus, huh?)

That’s when I knew that it was time to fully own what I do and finally start offering high-level business coaching.

But as I got deeper into the entrepreneurial community, I realized pure coaching and education wasn’t enough — most entrepreneurs I met were also feeling isolated and alone. So I changed things up again and launched The Badass Business Squad mastermind.

It’s the perfect culmination of the entirety of my career and probably the coolest thing I do on a day-to-day basis — creating a space where established entrepreneurs can make more money by having real fun in their businesses (no burnout here) and have a group of expansive life-long friends who have their back every single step of the way.


And now, I get to spend every day helping my clients get to that next level — and feel good doing it.



  • You’ll usually find me dressed in black or other neutral tones (which conveniently hides the fur on my clothing from my cat Teddy).

  • I used to be a Food editor and writer for Better Homes and Gardens magazine (ask me about macaroons v macarons).

  • I have an aeronautical engineer as a father so I’ve traveled all over the world, including Asia, Africa, and Europe.

  • I am an avid reader, devouring over 60 books a year. You can even find me on Bookstagram!

  • I studied vocal performance for six years, even briefly majoring in it. I ended up graduating with two degrees — journalism and history.


winner of the 2020 best business coach award
twin cities collective


Oh, and I’m a podcast host, too.

Back at the beginning of 2021, I launched the Badass Business Squad Podcast and have published over 50 bite-sized episodes full of implementable strategy, expansive entrepreneurial stories, and mindset tips to take you to the next level. Tune in on your favorite platform — Apple, Spotify, Google — we’re on them all!


Katrina Widener Coaching is intentionally creating a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment that celebrates and lifts up every business owner — no matter their gender identity, race, nationality, ethnicity, ability level, religion, sexual orientation, or income level.

My commitment:

  • To publicly, undeniably be an ally to all, even when it is not convenient or comfortable for me.

  • To structure my business, adjust my coaching technique, and continue my education in order to strive to create a safe space for all clients.

  • To diversify representation in my guest speakers, collaborations, clientele, podcast guests, and personal network.

  • To identify areas of explicit and implicit bias within creative entrepreneurship and proactively work to change them.

  • To actively and aggressively attack my own personal bias, privilege, and fragility.

See anything missing? If you’re so inclined, we welcome any and all feedback and suggestions. Feel free to contact Katrina or report an incident within the community.


Want to know more?
