Choosing the Best Marketing Strategy for Your Myers-Briggs Type



If you've ever felt fake or "salesy" when marketing your business, there's good news! Join Katrina and guest expert Brit Kolo as they discuss how you can make a deeper impact in a feel-good way by finding the perfect marketing strategy based on your personality type.

Brit Kolo is the Creator of the Marketing Personality Type™ Framework at and the Host of the Marketing Personalities Podcast. Through her framework, designed to match you with your best marketing strategy based on your Myers-Briggs Personality Type, she’s here to shake up your approach to marketing and inspire you to grow your business in a feel-good way.

Website // 16 Personalities Test

The episode:

Katrina Widener: Hi everyone and welcome back to the Badass Business Squad podcast. I am your host Katrina Widener and I am so excited because today we have Brit Kolo on the podcast. I have personally followed Brit on Instagram for a really long time, like several years. So this is one of the reasons why I nerd out about this type of stuff that we're going to be diving into today, but also I just love her content and so I'm so excited to bring all of her framework and everything to you guys. So with that intro, Brit I was hoping that you would give people a little insight into exactly what I'm talking about. What do you do? Who are you? 

Brit Kolo: Yeah. Hey, thanks for having me. Hey everybody! So I am Brit Kolo. I'm the creator of the Marketing Personality Type Framework. And what that basically is is I can show you how best to market your business based on your personality type. So rather than going about marketing from an ideal client avatar centric perspective... we ask who your ideal client avatar is, but it's not our first question. Our first question is who are you? What makes you tick? What's going to allow you to feel good when you show up in your marketing? Because if you can show up feeling good in your marketing, that is going to speak volumes to your audience, to your clients, to your customers, and the right people, the right clients, and customers are going to lean in. They're going to be attracted by that feel good energy, but what they'll be repelled by is the fake and salesy energy that you may be bringing to the table right now just because you're doing a ton of marketing stuff that you feel like you should be doing, but you secretly hate doing. So I encourage you to show up as you, show you how to do that based on your personality type, and I give you the tips and strategies and advice to go ahead and do that. 

Katrina Widener: So anyone who's listening right now is 0% surprised that I'm a huge fan of yours and that I wanted to have you on the podcast, because literally that strategy for the framework is 100% exactly how I approach business coaching and how I approach marketing with all of my clients. So yes, this idea of, "Who are you? And how do we market specifically the way that you operate?" is so juicy to me. And it's so, so impactful once I see people really start to implement it in their businesses, so I'm really excited.

Also side note for everyone. I am an ENFP. I always get confused. ENFP! And so when I first looked up what I was with your framework, I was like, "Okay. Yep. Obviously. Obviously. Yep. Community. That's basically exactly what I talk about all the time anyway." So I can say firsthand it's very accurate. 

Brit Kolo: Awesome. 

Katrina Widener: So one of the things that Brit is going to kind of walk you guys through today is really how to use your marketing personality type. So if you wanted to maybe just dive in right away and get people started and how they can actually do that, that would be great. 

Brit Kolo: Yes, okay. So first of all, you have to know what your Myers-Briggs type indicator is. So I have built the Marketing Personality Type Framework off of the Myers-Briggs type indicator. So you'll need to go ahead and figure out what those letters are. Katrina just shared she's an ENFP and you may be something completely different. You've got four letters to your Myers-Briggs personality type, and we've got to know what those are. I always recommend if you've taken the Myers-Briggs type indicator before and you think you know your letters, and you just want to dive into marketing personalities because it sounds so cool... I mean, yes. Come on in. It's super easy to get started. But let's make sure your letters are accurate. If you took the Myers-Briggs assessment a long time ago, or because you got a new job or because you were in high school or college or whatever, and you think you still know your letters, let's just do it over again and just make sure. 

My best recommendation, and I have it linked right on my home page so everyone knows where to go to make sure they have the right letters, is Okay? I love that website. I don't own it. I have no affiliation. I just love how their assessment is set up.

So let's figure out what your letters are. Then you're going to come over to -- super easy to remember it, right? You're going to click on your personality type and you're going to be told a whole bunch of stuff about you related to business and marketing. You're going to learn what your best marketing strategy is. What that could look like for your business. I even set out marketing strategy maps, what a strategy could actually look like, some templates, some examples of people actually doing marketing with your personality type, and we even get into specifics, like best social media strategy, best lead magnet strategy, and the list goes on. We talk about all kinds of things.

The crucial part to this is not just knowing what your marketing personality type is, but then the fun part is where you get to actually implement it, right? And I think that's where the juice really is, right? So I don't want to over-simplify, but it's really not that complicated. Once you know what your best marketing strategy is, you get to then apply it and release all of the rest of the stuff. Delegate. I always say delegate or eliminate all the rest. All this stuff that leaves you feeling fake and salesy, that feels like a big fat should on your to-do list, right? Delegate or eliminate and fully trust in the marketing strategy, marketing tactics that feel good for you. Because again, that's what's going to attract the right clients and customers to your business.

Katrina Widener: Yes. I love that. And I talk about this type of stuff with my clients all the time. Where it's like, If you're operating the way that a competitor operates, or if a business coach is just giving you cookie cutter advice and saying like, 'follow my course for X, Y, Z,' that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to work for you or get you the consistent results that you're looking for in your business. Because on a very basic level, E is extrovert, right? I am an extrovert. I love people. I love networking. Events before the pandemic you could find me literally at four networking events a week and I thrived, right? An introvert is like, "Oh my God, what are you talking about?"

And so on a very, very basic level, that's such an easy explanation or an easy example to give of like, "Hey, this is how something might work for me, but it's not going to work for everyone." And so for me as a business coach, if I'm giving everyone the exact same advice of "Go out and network, go meet five new people every single week," or whatever it might be, that's not going to work for everyone. So knowing who you are allows you to do that "eliminate and delegate" you were talking about, which is amazing. 

Brit Kolo: Yeah. That's the thing that got me to finally create Marketing Personalities. It was listening to people in my mastermind group at different events, larger events where people were asking for marketing advice and someone else coming in with genuinely good advice. And it's not that they meant ill will to the person they were talking to, it's just they came in with this advice that okay, might be good for a certain type of person, but for the exact person they were talking to it was the worst advice.

This has happened. This has happened to every single business owner I know. Right? You want to know how to grow your business and you're looking for answers. Maybe you ask a group of people. Maybe you go online to try to figure that out. And someone comes in with an answer, or maybe you're listening to a podcast or watching a YouTube video, whatever. Someone comes in with an answer and you're like, "Ugh." So like in your case as an ENFP, someone says, "Well you really need to fix all of your SEO on your website." And you're like, "Ugh." Right? You are not lit up by that idea. Like not at all. 

Katrina Widener: No. 

Brit Kolo: If we were to have Katrina invest her entire next week into SEO marketing, we would have a very, very upset Katrina by the end of the week. That's just not where you're best at. Now, maybe SEO does matter to your business. Maybe that is something that needs to be for lack of a better term "figured out" specifically for your business and for your business model, but that's not something you need to be doing. And now that you know your marketing personality type? Guaranteed... I mean I'm speaking for you, but I know for sure. Now that you know your marketing personality type, you are quicker to say, "Okay that might be a good strategy, I don't think that's really where my time is best spent," and you can make that decision quicker, with more ease, with more peace about it, and not feel like you're missing out all the time. Because that's the other thing! When you're being told all of these ways to market your business and 9 out of 10 of them don't feel great to you, you always feel like you're missing out. You always feel like you're not really leveling up to where you need to be. And that can be a block in and of itself. So just had, to throw that in there, that's exactly why I created this thing. 

Katrina Widener: Oh, I love that you brought that up! Because also for a lot of people, when we are marketing a ton and we're getting no results, and it feels so heavy, and it feels so frustrating, we start to not love our businesses anymore. And we really start to avoid marketing, because it feels so heavy and feels so hard. And the truth is that like marketing can feel easy. Marketing can feel fun, even. If you're doing aligned marketing, right? If you are marketing in ways that work specifically for you and that subconscious shift of even saying "marketing is fun" and then having that come true, means you start to want to market more. 

Brit Kolo: Right? 

Katrina Widener: Which means that then your business starts to be more successful. And a lot of people are like, "Well, why am I not making consistent income?" Or on the flip side," I'm making consistent income. And it sucks. I hate my business. I feel burnt out or I feel overwhelmed." It's because we're not aligned with the actual actions that we're taking. So I 100% agree with everything you said.

Okay. So we've gotten people to the point where they've done the 16 personalities test -- which I 100% also agree they have so much good information on 16 personalities. I love it -- a nd they've come to your website and gotten all the information, what would you say would be like the first step for them to take when it comes to "All right, I got my information. I can now take this and take action." 

Brit Kolo: So the website is really going to guide you to getting that first bit of resonant information that also feels like, "Hey, I can start putting this into play right away." The website going to guide you to do that. So as long as you go there, click through on your personality type (you're going to find it), the very first thing that you're going to get is what we call the mini report. It's specifically for your personality type. It's going to give you a bunch of information including what's your best marketing strategy like period, straight up, free, I'm going to give it to you. You download it in your PDF. When you see what your best marketing strategy is right there, you can start making a mental or whatever physical list of the things that you're currently doing that, "Hey, yeah. That fits in with my best marketing strategy." And then also a list of like, "I'm currently doing this and I don't see it on my best marketing strategy descriptions so..." you know that's just awareness right there. 

And then from there, you will for sure recieve emails more about, "Okay, so now what? What do I do now? How do I actually start to bring this into play and actually apply it?" Now the way that I have all my emails set up is you only receive emails about your personality types. So you're not getting bogged down by all the strategies. That is the farthest thing that I want to do for you. Every single piece of content that you receive from me is exactly for your personality type. I podcasted for years, we have a ton of podcasts. I give you a list of the ones that are specifically for your personality type. You can go listen to those. We've got all the content, all the information there on the website. And at the end of the day, you got to apply something. That application piece is in the mini report and if you want to go that extra step, that extra step into your content strategy, your social media strategy, your lead magnet strategy -- that's when I would recommend grabbing your Marketing Personality Type full report that's going to go through everything. And again, I'm always aiming for, yes, lots of information and "Okay, what's the next thing I need to do?" It's in there. 

Katrina Widener: Perfect. And I want everyone to know too, I have gotten the mini report for myself. I've looked at all of this stuff. I can vouch for how helpful it is. I will never forget when I looked at it and I was like, "Oh my gosh, this is validating. Everything that I already knew about myself." And sometimes as entrepreneurs we just need that permission to break away from the norm and do what our internal body has been telling us to do all of this time anyway. So if you guys are looking for that permission slip, this is it. We are here to do that for you.

Brit Kolo: That's it. I've gotten a couple of crazy emails over the years. And I will never forget the emails that come through that are something along the lines of, "Hey, I printed out my mini report or I printed out my full report and I keep it on my desk. I've read through it. I know what I'm doing, but I keep it on my desk because it just reminds me I don't need to do all of the crap I see everybody else doing, I just need to stay in my personality. What feels good for me? That's going to be where I'm most magnetic." And you know those emails that are like, "I have the reminder in front of me. I have the thing and I feel validated and I'm giving myself permission to show up that way." That's it. That's the magic right there. 

Katrina Widener: Yeah. And also, I tell clients this all the time, when you get aligned? That comparison that entrepreneurs do all the time? It just goes away. If you're sitting there being like, "Well Amy's doing this, and Martha's doing this, and Brittany's doing this, I should be doing those things too." And then you find yourself all of a sudden trying out 15 marketing strategies all at the same time, or switching from marketing strategy to marketing strategy, and none of them are working the way you want them to, once you find out how you actually naturally market then you're able to say, "Oh, you do you, I do me, right? Good for you. Good for me." It kind of allows you to really just say, "I can stop looking at other people. I can stop wondering what they're doing or asking myself if I should be doing that too, because I know." And having that clarity and certainty is just priceless when you're running a business.

Brit Kolo: Yeah. And you know what I'll say... I'll admit I created this thing and I truly honestly, I can't say that I don't compare my strategy with others. I do. I do all the time. Here's the major difference though. I much more quickly get out of comparison and back into me than before. And this is me guys, I'm the one that made this. I'm the one that channeled all of this information for you and have worked on it for years. And I still, every once in a while, I'll hear a strategy on a podcast and be like, "Dang, that is good. Like I need to be doing that yesterday!" 

But before I trusted my marketing personality type, I would listen to that podcast and then get ( and this is also part of my personality) just obsessed with "How do I do that?" and then feeling like I'm already behind. Major FOMO. And then working out of an energy of lack, right? And out of scarcity. "I haven't done this yet and therefore I'm behind, and now I got to catch up and I just gotta go all in, obsess, and go all out." And that could take my energy for days, right? 

And now so much more quickly, I can listen to that podcast, get really excited about the strategy that they're talking about, and instead of going right into, "Oh my gosh I'm behind. I gotta go do this." Instead I'm like, "Wait this is really exciting. This is really lighting me up. What is it about this strategy that I'm excited about? Does it align with my marketing personality type? Or is it just something that's so far outside of my personality type that seems shiny and new and like something I'm missing, but in actuality, it's just not meant for me and my ego is just telling me that this thing matters when it really doesn't?" Right? So it's this great self-awareness tool, even for me. So I can pick up on the great strategies that are meant for me. And for the ones that aren't, that still seem shiny, I can evaluate from an outsider's perspective and then move on. I don't have to get caught up in at all for days on end before I'm like, "Wait a second. This doesn't feel good."

Katrina Widener: I am so glad that you share that too, because I am sure, I am positive that there are people who listen to this podcast who are like, "I get trapped in that cycle all the time," or, "This is something that I do in my business all the time." And so first of all, not only giving them the validation that they're not alone and everybody does this, but it's also this, "Here is a really, really easy implementable way to just snap yourself out of that when it does happen. Because again, now you have the knowledge and information to make the aligned decision for yourself. 

Brit Kolo: That hasn't changed about my personality. I do love to go deep dive into the thing, whatever I'm learning about, I'm all in. But now I'm all in on the things that actually matter, and that are actually going to work for me because they feel good from start to finish. So permission to still be that way and just go all out in that inspired action. Just from an aligned perspective. 

Katrina Widener: Yes. Yes. It's one of those things too where it also is just "the way that I naturally am is okay. The way that I naturally operate is more than okay." It's actually like your secret superpower. So if you go down rabbit holes, that's okay. That's your secret superpower, right? And also, as you're talking about going down rabbit holes I'm like, "Of course you created Marketing Personalities because you went down this rabbit hole of Myers-Briggs and marketing." So it makes perfect sense. 

Brit Kolo: You got it. 

Katrina Widener: All right, well thank you so much for coming on here and sharing all about this. I'm really excited for the big changes that I'm pretty sure are going to happen for all of you people listening. Really quickly before we hop off, will you just remind everyone where they can actually find you. 

Brit Kolo: Yeah, super simple everybody. Go to That's where you're going to find all the good stuff. 

Katrina Widener: And how about where they can follow you on social media if they want to be taking in more of your information regularly? 

Brit Kolo: Okay so not going to lie. I'm not that active on social media right now because social media hasn't really felt that great to me for a while and that's just me. I used to be really active on Instagram, not so much anymore. I'm at @marketingpersonalities on every platform, but I can't promise you're going to find stuff from me there. And that's just because it doesn't feel good for me right now. So I'm walking my talk. 

Katrina Widener: Yeah that's a perfect, beautiful example of exactly everything we're talking about. Well thank you so much Brit for coming. I really, really appreciate it. And I'm excited for everyone to listen to this episode. 

Brit Kolo: Thank you so much for having me.


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