The Truth About Good Goal Making

Learn the truth about how to make good goals

It's January! The start of a new year, and undoubtedly new resolutions. Instead of sticking with the regular 12-month goals, this year get inspired by daily, weekly, or monthly goals instead!

Personally, I have a few issues with the standard resolutions created at the beginning of the year. They're expected to last you a full 365 days. But do you remember who you were a year ago? My guess is your life is now different, the way you spend your days is not the same, the stressors and excitements have shifted. So how does it make sense to have goals that last longer than your current situation does? 

What I've recognized in my own life, in addition to the lives of those around me, is that your needs and desires aren't constant. When my mother went through breast cancer, I made the decision to focus less on spending time with friends to devote myself to family. By the time she was in remission, I was able to embrace a different balance. For years the Facebook app wasn't downloaded to my phone, but then I took on new responsibilities at my job and avoiding social media wasn't an option. Why lock yourself into a year-long goal that's destined to become obsolete the second your life evolves and changes (as everyone's lives do!).

Instead, I urge you to make monthly goals, or weekly resolutions.
Today I will reach out to a friend who is going through a rough time.
This week I will meditate every day.
This month I will read one book on self-development.

Not only do they feel more achievable when it's devoted to a shorter time frame, but they give you more flexibility. You can always repeat the same goal each month if you want, but this way your resolutions can evolve as you do.

Share your thoughts with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there:


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