Katrina Widener Coaching

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The Road of Resistance

When we think of the hurdles in front of us before starting our businesses, things like stability, self-doubt, and isolation pop up. But how often do we truly face the truth and think of the biggest roadblock of all: internal resistance. I'm talking procrastination, excuse-making, distractions, the whole nine yards.

The truth of the matter is this: Everyone experiences resistance. We tell ourselves that we're motivated, we'll just start to do the work tomorrow. We tell ourselves the book/blog post/website/painting can't be shared because it isn't ready yet. "But I need to finish the SEO/photos/ending/details/insert-excuse-here first!" 

Steven Pressfield has covered this topic thoroughly in his books The War of Art and Do the Work. He talks about how every artist, entrepreneur, budding fitness expert, student, etc. faces this resistance in the parts of their lives that truly matter. Jen Sincero discusses it in You Are a Badass, explaining it as our brains trying to keep us in that comfort zone instead of following our fears. Because that's what it truly is. We're afraid to pursue that which might actually change our lives. We're afraid to go after our dreams. And while fear is completely normal, I've learned that it's only when I'm truly afraid of something (and therefore feeling the strongest resistance) that I'm heading in the right direction. 

We can't move forward, grow, evolve, change, create a new world for ourselves if we don't embrace our fears. I was afraid to start my own business -- I did it anyway. I was afraid to leave the 9-5 world -- I did it anyway. I was afraid to show my true, most vulnerable self -- I did it anyway. And I wouldn't change any of those decisions for the world. They have all been some of the best decisions I've ever made, and I've loved the life that has come from them. 

So next time you're binging Netflix instead of working, remember that the fight against resistance is a daily one. It's neverending, and sometimes you're going to lose. But the more you wage war against it, the more you'll win.

How do you confront resistance? Share with me in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/


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