5 Myths About Working with a Life Coach

Get the top five life coaching myths debunked!

If you’ve found your way here, then you probably know what a life coach is. But that doesn’t mean that it isn’t still a fairly new profession in the world. Learn these top life coach myths and why they’re so important to understand!

Myth #1: Life coaches are only for those who are failing or can’t succeed on their own.

When I first started my business, I worked with a life coach. And the truth was, I was the better for it. I got my company up and running much faster than I would have on my own, I learned new social media and entrepreneur tricks and tips, and I had someone I was accountable to. It meant I had a fully fledged, operating business in only a matter of months. But that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t have been able to do it — ALL of it — on my own.

I say it all the time: Everyone probably could use help from a life coach. We’re here to hold you accountable, make you think outside the box, be your support system, and call you out on your shiz. But that doesn’t mean you’re in a terrible place to start out with. It simply means we’re here to help you grow, and everyone can continue to grow no matter where they are. Even Obama.

Myth #2: Life coaching is a waste of money.

According to an ICF Global Coaching Client Study, individuals who’ve worked with a life coach reported an average return of 3.44 times how much they’ve invested in coaching. So I’ll just let that speak for itself…

Myth #3: Life coaches are the same thing as therapists, just untrained.

What I do as a life coach is immensely different from a therapist. I don’t accept clients going through a major life crisis or trauma. I don’t treat mental health issues or emotional disorders. Think of it this way: Comparing a life coach to a therapist is like comparing a fitness coach to a doctor. Sure, they may both help with health issues, but they focus on completely different topics and areas.

Myth #4: Life coaching is a fluffy, “woo-woo” industry for people who are only looking for a spiritual guru.

If there are two things that I focus on with my clients, it’s actionable steps toward achieving your goals and changing your mindset. I’m not here to simply sprout out inspirational quotes and encourage you to hug yourself daily (although you do you). We sit down and talk about how to actually make movement on goals you’d like to achieve based off the way you’d like your life to feel or look. Plus, we often will do marketing and business exercises, such as a website audit, copywriting redo, or social media training.

Myth #5: Life coaches need to specialize in your industry in order to be helpful.

Here’s the simple truth: I don’t do the work for you. So therefore, it doesn’t matter if I know the best way to shoot a newborn session, or how to help someone with their taxes. You are the only one who can guarantee your results. I’m just here to support you, guide you, and help you figure it out on your own. Because if I’m here to do it for you, where will you be when we stop working together? Exactly where you started.

Bonus Myth: Life coaches know it all.
Just like every other human on this planet, I’m still learning. My clients and I are equals — they know more about some things than I do, and I know more about some things than they do. I’m never going to be done growing, and neither are you.

Any other myths you’d like debunked? Share in the comments below, or join the party on Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/

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