How to Start a Blog

learn how to start a blog

A blog should be part of your overall marketing strategy, and if it isn’t, what are you waiting for?

It isn’t enough to have a presence on social media, crossing your fingers and hoping that your followers will stumble upon your website. By writing a blog and updating it regularly, you are driving people to your website with the goal of converting them to clients. 

But you may be saying “I don’t know where to begin!” I get it, you may feel intimidated at first. But by following these surprisingly simple tips, you’ll have a blog set up in no time.

Tip #1

Have a plan. Before you create your first post you should have an idea of how frequently you’re going to post and what type of content your audience is looking for. You want to establish regularity with your readers, whether it’s daily, weekly, or even monthly. Don’t leave them guessing, wondering when your next post is coming. 

Once you’ve decided how often you will post, put together a content calendar and plan out your upcoming posts. Having this figured out in advance will alleviate some pressure and allow you to write your posts ahead of time so they’re ready when you need them. 

Tip #2

Not a great writer? Don’t be afraid to use guest bloggers when you need to. By showcasing content experts, you are not only providing your readers with useful and relevant information, you are also taking some of the pressure off yourself. I’m not saying all your posts should be written by someone else, but it’s certainly OK to reach out to experts in your industry for some help here and there.

Tip #3

Once you’ve started writing your blog, make sure people know it’s there. You can incorporate your posts into your email marketing strategy and share them on social media. Research keywords for your industry and make sure they appear in your blog (where appropriate) to increase your chances of appearing in search results. Use images to not only raise the visual appeal of your blog, but to drive traffic from sites like Pinterest. 

For those of you ready to kick it up a notch, create relationships with other bloggers and share each other’s content. If there are key influencers in your line of business, don’t be afraid to reach out to them and ask them to read your blog. The most important thing here is to make sure it’s content that they would be interested in.

Always remember: The hardest part of writing a blog is simply getting started. Once you take that first step you can continue to work on building your audience and establishing yourself as an expert in your field. 

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