How to Provide the Best-Ever Customer Experience

customer experience is the key to a successful business

I firmly believe that the success of a business is built on a foundation of amazing customer experience. You can have the best product, the most amazing marketing team, or the most beautiful website, but if your client doesn’t have a pleasant experience while they’re working with you, it doesn’t matter. They won’t come back.

One of the easiest ways to provide for your clients is to go over and beyond with your customer experience. Instead of providing a good experience, how can you absolutely wow them? How can you make them feel like they’re completely cared for? How can you eliminate any obstacle that is in their way of purchasing your product?

Step One: Spend some time brainstorming the following questions: What does your client really want? How do you want them to feel while working with you?

Start thinking about how you can bring caring, compassion, absolute value, service, personalization, and love to every moment that your client interacts with you. Brainstorm at least five customer experience ideas for each step of the process — beginning, middle, and end. Go as big as your imagination can take you, as over-the-top as you can possible get, as kind and considerate as your clients could even imagine.

Maybe it’s a handwritten thank you, maybe an onboarding gift, maybe a surprise check-in after you’ve provided your service. Maybe you figure out how to simplify the process for them and eliminate a pain point in purchasing, shipping, or returns. Maybe you give them a shoutout on your platform, or feature them in an upcoming blog post. The sky is the limit!

Start before you ever even meet your potential customer. What are their pain points before they even start purchasing from you? How can you remove fear and doubt? Think about who they want to be, and how you can help them get there. Maybe a free consult? Or simplifying a process for them? An automatic charge instead of a monthly invoice? A book club where the book is provided for them? The goal is to make it as easy as possible for them to decide to purchase your product.

Next is where it gets really good, when you’re directly working with your customer. Whether you provide services or sell products, actually interacting with the client is the easiest way to be sure to provide as much value as possible. What are things that they would deeply appreciate? For instance, instead of my clients having to take notes during our meetings, I take notes for them and provide an email recap. Think about what would be surprising, useful, thoughtful, or unexpected for them to receive. An extra service? A fun gift?

After you’ve finished working with a client or a customer has received their product, what are ways to provide an amazing experience at the end of your journey together? For instance, I know when I’m ordering online I prefer to shop at locations with free return shipping. What would make them feel absolutely taken care of, or add extra value to their life? How can I make them feel like they made the right decision by working with me? A surprise check-in a month later, or six months later? Or maybe adding them to a directory of preferred users on your website. A feature on your Instagram, or a discount code for their next purchase? How can you abso-freaking-lutely wow them?

After you’ve created your list of possible ways to uplevel your customer experience, pick one from each category and get going! You never know what that little extra effort may do for your business reputation. Any other ideas? Share your favorite customer experience tactics in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there:

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