Katrina Widener Coaching

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The Surprising Source of Business Success

Let’s all admit something: Starting a business is hard. Guest blogger Julie Nelson gets it.

We all become entrepreneurs because we have a spark of an idea or are passionate about serving others with our gifts and talents. That excitement fuels us in the beginning, propelling us forward, giving us the motivation to put in long hours and work hard in order to build our dream.

But if we aren’t careful, that same excitement can quickly turn into burnout and overwhelm. We look for the magic course or framework to move our beloved business forward, but in the end it only has a small impact on our business.

We all end up asking ourselves: “What is the secret to success? What do successful entrepreneurs know that new entrepreneurs need to learn?”

The answer may be surprising to some of you. Being successful isn’t about learning to be more productive or working longer hours. In fact, these behaviors aren’t sustainable and will eventually lead to exhaustion.

Instead, successful entrepreneurs know that business is an inside game. It is all about your mindset. Even life coach and best-selling author Tony Robbins says “business success is determined by 80% of your psychology and 20% your skills set.”

So what does that mean? You can learn all about marketing and business strategy, but your business will become stagnant if you have major mindset blocks. There’s no amount of webinars, courses, or networking that will allow you to break down the long-held mindset blocks holding you back. Your mindset is the number one thing that will keep you stuck in your business.

Take comfort: Everyone has mindset blocks. For some it’s a fear of failure and for others it’s a fear of success (yes, that is a thing!). Maybe it is a fear of judgment — and that’s what holds you back from being more visible and sharing with the world how amazing you are. Either way, it’s about overcoming these blocks to find true business success.

So where do you go from here? Here are three ways to get started:

1. Become Aware
The first step in creating change is becoming aware of where you are now. Start by noticing your thought-patterns, behavioral patterns, and your feelings in any given situation. This will provide new information and major clues on what you should start focusing on. 

2. Power of Choice
Now that you have awareness around your limiting thoughts and behaviors, you can start embracing your power of choice. Life is a matter of choice. You are either living in default mode or using this power. At any given moment you can choose a new thought, a new perspective, a new direction, or a new way of being and it will change your experience. It is not always easy, and fear may arise, but this will lead to you showing up in your business in a new way.

3. Seek Support
It is hard to see our own blindspots and that is why working with a coach can be so impactful. Find a coach that can help you dive into your blocks and guide you to make the needed shifts. Then you can watch your business grow from there!

Overall, if you want to have a successful business you must realize that it doesn’t start with a good idea or lots of hard work. It starts with your mindset and who you are. Share your experiences with mindset in the comments below, or join the party on my Instagram and share there: https://www.instagram.com/katrina.widener/

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Julie Nelson is a life and mindset coach dedicated to helping women everywhere design and create a life that generates joy, well-being, and freedom without burnout or overwhelm. She can be found at Insta // Facebook // website.